[PAGE 274]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
                                CHAPTER XIII
   From  each of the divine Hierarchies which have ministered at  birth  and
evolution of humanity we have received certain qualities and faculties  upon
which  we are being nursed from nescience to omniscience and from  impotence
to omnipotence in life's great school.   From the Lords of Venus we received
the  priceless gift of love which links humanity in the tenderest  affection
of varying degrees and makes life beautiful.   From the Lords of Mercury  we
received  the no less valuable gift of mind which enables us to conquer  the
material  world and provide ourselves with the comforts of life,  but  some-
thing more is needed.  The divine spark within us is every seeking an outlet
and the greater the two qualities of love and intellect grow,  the  stronger
the  upward urge,  but this cannot be fully satisfied either if  the  Spirit
seeks to raise itself to its divine source only through the love nature  ex-
pressed by Venus and culminating in its higher octave Uranus.  The religious
fervor  then  expresses itself as devotion of the most  sublime  nature  but
there is still a lack.   Feeling without knowledge is incomplete.   Nor  can
the inner urge be satisfied if through the mercurial channel of intellect it
attempts to raise itself to the spiritual perception of Neptune,  the higher
[PAGE 275]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
octave of Mercury,  for though the intellect be sharp as a razor it is of no
account  when it is devoid of love.  It therefore follows that ONLY  BY  THE
itself,  through neither good nor evil,  may be used for one purpose or  the
other.   Even genius shows only the bent of this knowledge.   We speak of  a
military  genius,  one who has a wonderful knowledge of the tactics of  war,
but a man of war, whether he be a Napoleon or a common soldier, is not be be
classed as wise because he deliberately crushes the finer feelings of  which
we  take the heart as symbol.   Only when the mercurial faculty of  mind  is
tempered,  blended and balanced by the heart-born faculty of love  generated
by  the Venus ray,  is wisdom born of the union.   And this is  the  quality
which  the planetary spirit of Jupiter is seeking to infuse into mankind  to
aid them in their spiritual evolution that they may rise above the  material
plane and soar to higher spheres.  Therefore the Jupiterian ray makes people
human,  honorable,  courteous,  refined and generous,  law-abiding and reli-
gious, cheerful and optimistic.  The true Jupiterian is aptly described as a
jovial  fellow,  and he is usually large but his heart is almost too big  to
find room even within his capacious chest.  The corners of his mouth are al-
ways turned upward with a broad smile that can only be described as  radiant
and  in his hearty good-feeling he is so demonstrative that when  he  shakes
your  hand  the  ligaments  of  your  arm  are almost sprained.  He is "hail
[PAGE 276]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
fellow well met"  with everybody, always ready to give anything or anybody a
boost.  He seems actually grateful to you when you ask him to do you a favor
and  is never so happy as when working hard to help others.   He  would  not
harm  a  child  and never gets angry on his own account but  when  moved  to
righteous indignation on account of the wrongs of others then he may be ter-
rible in his wrath,  yet he will never be cruel to the aggressor or the  op-
pressor,  but show mercy and kindness even to them as soon as they have been
vanquished.   Such is the pure Jupiterian,  but of course he is very  seldom
found at the present time.  Nevertheless, an increasing number of people are
beginning to walk the way of wisdom and show the Jupiterian traits.
   It is said that "Opportunity knocks at every man's door,"  yet  we  often
hear people bewail their fate because they "never had a chance."   Saturn is
blamed for our misfortunes when we have learned to study Astrology;  we  are
so  intently on the lookout for evil that we usually forget to look for  the
good,  and thus miss our opportunity.   It takes Saturn thirty years  to  go
around the horoscope, by transit, and form aspects to all planets, but Jupi-
ter,  the most beneficent influence in the solar system, goes around once in
eleven  years  and thus the good fortunes which he may brings are  at  least
three times as numerous as the misfortunes brought by Saturn's evil aspects.
   As  a  matter  of  fact,  we  get  from others just what we give, each is
[PAGE 277]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
surrounded  by a subtle auric atmosphere which colors our views  of  others,
and  the thoughts,  ideas and actions of others towards us.   If  we  harbor
meanness in our hearts,  that colors this atmosphere so that we see meanness
in others and in their actions towards us, we awaken this trait in them,  as
vibrations  from a tuning-fork start another of the same pitch to sing.   On
the other had, if we cultivate the Jupiterian qualities of benevolence,  his
expansive smile,  his cordial attitude of mind, etc., we shall soon feel the
response in our circle of acquaintances and the beneficent aspect of Jupiter
will them have greater effect in making our life and work pleasant.
   Jupiter is essentially dignified when found in Pisces, or in Sagittarius,
the sign of aspiration.  He is exalted in Cancer, the house of the Moon, for
the  seed-atom which furnishes the body of the incoming Ego is protected  by
the  Moon into the sphere of Cancer but in Jupiter represents the  spiritual
part  and  therefore he presides at the ingress of the Ego itself  into  the
body.   He also rules the blood in which the indwelling spirit finds expres-
sion,  though his activities are confined principally to the arterial circu-
lation.   He furthers assimilation and growth,  and therefore he also  rules
the liver.   (Saturn rules the gall bladder.)  Jupiterians are very fond  of
show and display.   In their religious observances they love ceremonial  and
they  are  rather partial to the established church but  often  dislike  any
"ism" not sanctioned by society or correct form.
[PAGE 278]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
   When Jupiter is afflicted his influence makes the person lawless,  sensu-
ous,  self-indulgent, gluttonous, extravagant and careless in the payment of
his obligations,  hence liable to loss of health,  trouble with the law  and
consequent social disgrace.  An afflicted Jupiter makes people sporty,  fond
of horse-racing and gambling.
                        JUPITER IN THE TWELVE HOUSES
   JUPITER  IN THE FIRST HOUSE when well-aspected is a good sign  of  health
and general fortune in life.  It gives a good-natured, kindly disposition, a
nature which breathes cordiality, honor and uprightness.   These people love
pleasure,  particularly out-of-doors, and are fond of traveling.   They have
considerable executive ability and are therefore sought for positions of im-
portance and responsibility.   There is an inclination to stoutness in later
   Jupiter  afflicted on the Ascendant gives a tendency to  self-indulgence,
according to the sign wherein he is placed.  If in Cancer the person becomes
an inveterate glutton and literally makes a god of his stomach with the  in-
evitable  result that in the course of years he becomes  excessively  stout,
the  liver being particularly enlarged and as a consequence he is  subjected
to sickness of a serious nature.   In Sagittarius it makes him an inveterate
gambler  who  would  stake  his  soul  on  the toss of a coin.  In Pisces he
[PAGE 279]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
becomes an incurable drunkard,  in Scorpio a sensualist of the worst  nature
and so on with the other signs.   It may also be said that whenever  Jupiter
is afflicted on the Ascendant the health suffers through some corruption  of
the blood.
   JUPITER IN THE SECOND HOUSE when well-aspected,  particularly by the  Sun
or  Moon,  gives great financial prosperity in life and this is a  fortunate
position in that respect even when Jupiter is afflicted, but then the person
is liable to loss under bad directions.  When Jupiter is unaspected he gives
no help; the person may then be poor and starve.
   JUPITER  IN THE THIRD HOUSE when well-aspected gives a mind of  a  highly
optimistic  nature  so that no matter what other obstacles there may  be  in
life the person who has this position will always look at the silver  lining
of the cloud and in so doing forget the cloud itself.   He will have  excep-
tional  educational advantages and what is more the education which  he  re-
ceives will be of great benefit to him.  He will be popular among his broth-
ers,  sisters and neighbors and they will help to benefit him.   Success  is
indicated by traveling, writing and publications.  When Jupiter is afflicted
in the Third House the person is liable to be in wrecks and accidents  while
traveling,  but  he  will  not  be  injured though he escape only by a hair-
[PAGE 280]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
breadth.  If Saturn afflicts he will become careless and indolent, thus for-
feiting the respect and esteem of his immediate family,  but if Mars is  ad-
verse they will mistrust him because of rash and imprudent acts.
   JUPITER IN THE FOURTH HOUSE when well-aspected is most fortunate for  the
home conditions, especially in the latter part of life.  People with Jupiter
in this position will do better in their place of birth than anywhere  else.
They will receive considerable help from the parents and probably an  inher-
itance from them.   Their business affairs will be on a solid basis and  run
smoothly so that at the close of life there will be a considerable accumula-
tion according to their station and the opportunities of their  environment.
They  pass  their  days  in peace and end  them  amid  friends,  wealth  and
prosperity.   But when Jupiter is afflicted in the Fourth House  the  person
should leave his native town early in life for the conditions there will  be
detrimental to this success.   Lavish and extravagant expenditure,  love  of
display  and kindred costly tendencies will sap his resources and bring  him
into  bankruptcy;  besides a false pride will keep him  from  undertaking  a
radical reform even when he has awakened to the fact that he ought to do  so
if he would save himself and the only way out of it to make a new start will
[PAGE 281]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
be removal to another city.
   JUPITER  IN  THE FIFTH HOUSE and well-aspected increases  the  number  of
children  and  they will bring much profit and pleasure to the  parents;  it
gives popularity and good friends who will be a help to the person,  also  a
sociable and pleasure loving disposition.  Gain by speculation is foreshown,
high intelligence and success in educational work or the publishing or news-
paper business.   These people make fine teachers and have a very convincing
way  of putting things.   If Jupiter is afflicted in the Fifth House,  espe-
cially  in  Sagittarius,  it  gives a tendency  towards  gambling  and  loss
thereby,  a love of sports, disinclination for work,  and trouble with chil-
   JUPITER IN THE SIXTH HOUSE gives good health and success in the care  and
cure of the sick,  faithful servants, and the respect and esteem of all with
whom the person comes in contact in the course of his occupation.   But when
Jupiter  is  afflicted in the Sixth House it gives a tendency  toward  liver
troubles,  enlargement of the liver, obesity and general disorders  produced
by over-indulgence of the appetite.
   JUPITER IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE gives a noble, great-hearted and sympathetic
marriage  partner  who  will  bring  the  person  favor,  fortune and social
[PAGE 282]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
prestige.  It is an ideal indication for marriage, also for a person seeking
to  take a partner or enter into partnership.   He may also be assured  that
the partner will be noble,  sincere, honest and trust-worthy,  and that suc-
cess will come by co-operation.  It is an ideal position for a lawyer for it
indicates success in law and the ability to reconcile opponents.  But if Ju-
piter  is weak of afflicted the person will lose his lawsuits or  suffer  by
misplaced confidence in his partner;  marriage will be delayed or denied and
when consummated trouble will arise through the indolence and self-indulgent
habits  of the marriage partner.   Therefore wisdom would dictate  that  the
person avoid such relationships.
   JUPITER  IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE when well-aspected indicates financial  gain
by marriage, partnerships or legacy, but when weak or afflicted it indicates
lawsuits and losses in connection with these matters.  A well-aspected Jupi-
ter  in the Eighth House is also a sign of an easy and peaceful  termination
of the life when the full course has been run.
   JUPITER  IN  THE  NINTH HOUSE gives a  peaceful,  noble,  optimistic  and
kind-hearted  disposition,  with  religious  tendencies,   broad-minded  and
tolerant of the opinions of others,  but favoring the more orthodox and  es-
tablished lines of thought.  The person is much esteemed  in society and apt
[PAGE 283]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
to occupy prominent positions in church, state or in institutions of  learn-
ing  or  philanthropic associations.   This position also gives  a  love  of
travel with pleasure and gain thereby.   But when weak or afflicted by  sign
or aspect it gives arrogance and love of display which is our of  proportion
with the person's pocketbook,  consequently there are lawsuits and liability
to social discredit.  It also shows danger when traveling.
   JUPITER IN THE TENTH HOUSE when well-aspected is one of the best  indica-
tion of an eminently successful and virtuous life,  especially if he is sup-
ported by Saturn,  Sun and Moon, for then the person will rise to a high po-
sition in the church,  state or law and gain great wealth,  honor and social
esteem.   Furthermore he will deserve all he gets for the character will  be
of superlative nobility.   But if Jupiter be weak or afflicted in the  Tenth
House, particularly by Saturn or the luminaries, it shows that the character
is not reliable.   The person may rise but his evil deeds will find him  out
and therefore he will experience reversals of fortune and loss of prestige.
   JUPITER IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE and well-aspected gives wealthy and  influ-
ential  friends  who may be relied upon to help the person  to  realize  his
hopes, wishes and ambitions.  It also gives a sociable disposition and fond-
ness for pleasure.  In a man's horoscope it signifies that the marriage will
[PAGE 284]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
be  fruitful and that his children will be a credit and a help to  him,  but
before judgment is rendered in this respect the wife's horoscope should also
be examined to see whether it concurs,  for if not then the judgment must be
modified.  When Jupiter is afflicted in the Eleventh House either the person
meets friends who are good and sincere in their desire to help him but  lack
the  ability  or less the friends whom he attracts come to him  to  be  ben-
efited.   In either case he will not be helped much by friends but must  de-
pend upon his own resources to attain his desires.
   JUPITER  IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE when well-aspected brings gain and  success
through  occupations carried on in comparative seclusion such as  laboratory
work,  work in hospitals or asylums in an executive capacity;  or in a posi-
tion  in one of the fraternal orders which have to do with sick benefits  or
in  the study and practice of the mystical or occult arts.   If people  with
Jupiter  in this position are personally indigent they receive  much  bounty
from people or institutions of a fraternal or charitable nature, but if they
are well-to-do they give lavishly to these purposes.   If they have  enemies
they also have a way of turning them to friends.  If Jupiter is afflicted it
makes the person indolent and improvident so that in time he usually becomes
the ward of one of the charitable institutions where he lives  till  the end
[PAGE 285]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
of life without either trouble or worry.
                         JUPITER IN THE TWELVE SIGNS
   JUPITER IN ARIES gives a high-spirited, energetic and ambitious mind, al-
ways on the lookout and alert for new and progressive methods usable for ad-
vancement in the world's work, it makes a true pioneer,  neither too conser-
vative  not  too  impulsive,  a  thoughtful,  but  sympathetic  disposition,
sincere,  honest and trustworthy,  somewhat religiously inclined.   It gives
some legal of literary ability and a love of out-door games with  popularity
in social and business circles.  But if Jupiter is afflicted the mind is not
so conservative and well-balanced.   There is a tendency to rash and  impul-
sive acts;  impatience and temper are shown under adverse circumstances with
a consequent loss of esteem and popularity.
   JUPITER  IN TAURUS when well-aspected gives an eminently kind and  sympa-
thetic  nature  to all people but a deep-seated,  tender and warm  love  for
those towards whom the relationship warrants such expression.  This position
also  attracts  wealth and gives a generous disposition to  aid  in  philan-
thropic enterprises; yet Jupiter in the Second House or second sign is never
lavish or extravagantly generous but rather conservative and inclined to in-
vestigate the merits of any proposition before he extends a helping hand. On
[PAGE 286]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
the  other hand he is absolutely open-handed to those who are near and  dear
to him.   His home and his family are all in all.  When Jupiter is afflicted
in  Taurus  it inclines to extravagant expenditures for  show,  display  and
gratification  of  the lower nature.  Such people are  great  gourmandizers,
fond of rich and savory foods that tickle the palate.  They often experience
financial difficulties and trouble with creditors, also such sickness as may
result from the over-indulgence of their appetites according to other  indi-
cations of the stars.
   JUPITER  IN  GEMINI when well-aspected gives literary ability of  a  high
class and if that is backed by the necessary education success in this  line
in certain.  This position also gives an inventive turn to the mind,  a love
of  mathematics  and an attraction towards the occult.   Jupiter  in  Gemini
shows that travel will bring both pleasure and profit and it gives an honor-
able,  courteous and friendly disposition.   But if Jupiter is afflicted the
person  is liable to meet with losses and trouble when traveling.   He  will
have  a number of hair-breadth escapes from accidents,  legal and  religious
trouble, also difficulties with brothers, sisters and close relatives.
   JUPITER IN CANCER.   The full effect of Jupiter for good or ill is  never
felt until the middle life and this is especially the case when he is placed
[PAGE 287]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
in the Fourth House or fourth sign, Cancer.  When well-placed there he gives
an  exceedingly kindly and courteous disposition, that is at peace with  all
the  world;  he  is endowed with a most vivid and  fruitful  imagination,  a
dreamer of Utopian dreams and a lover of the occult and mystical.   There is
also  however,  a practical side to the nature which makes him ambitious  to
attain worldly success and fortunate in his investment in houses,  lands  or
mines,  so that he will accumulate property and be well-to-do especially af-
ter middle life.   this position also indicates that the person may  receive
much help from his parents during life and an inheritance after their death.
Jupiter  in Cancer makes the person very fond of the pleasures of the  table
but  if well-aspected he will probably keep himself within such bounds  that
his health does not suffer.  If however, Jupiter is afflicted it inclines to
inordinate  gluttony which will eventually corrupt the blood and cause  such
disease and noxious growths as result from that condition.
   JUPITER IN LEO gives a truly noble nature, blending kindness and courage,
self-reliance and loyalty, self-restraint and compassion, mercy and justice.
It indicates,  in short, a paragon of virtues nowhere excelled.  It gives an
abundance of vitality and a strong constitution so that  it  marks  a leader
[PAGE 288]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
physically,  morally and spiritually, nor will such a person ever be content
to follow.  He craves positions of trust and responsibility, the greater the
better.   He will always be equal to the occasion and never abuse the confi-
dence of those who have placed him there.   Such people have an innate  cul-
ture and refinement.   They are fond of everything that tends to the  uplift
of humanity, religious, sincere; sure to win recognition and success dealing
in speculative investments.  When Jupiter is afflicted in Leo the person be-
comes cruel and sensuous, abnormally fond of pleasure and subject to loss by
investments, speculation and gambling.
   JUPITER IN VIRGO gives a cautious,  analytical and practical nature  with
an  almost unerring faculty for discriminating between the seeming  and  the
real,  for sifting truth from error and arriving at facts.  They cannot fer-
ret out secrets by underhanded methods as Saturn in Capricorn which makes an
ideal  detective,  but  if Jupiter in Virgo is the judge no  one  is  clever
enough to hide the truth from him.   A well-aspected Jupiter in Virgo  indi-
cates success with servants who will be found faithful and loyal,  ready  to
do their master's bidding.  It also indicates prosperity through business or
professional  vocations;  but if Jupiter is afflicted in Virgo  it  gives  a
cynical carping and critical disposition, mistrustful  of  others and there-
[PAGE 289]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
fore liable to loss through servants or employees.   Such people cannot suc-
ceed in business and they will find it extremely difficult to obtain or keep
a position.  At any rate they will serve in a very inferior capacity.
   JUPITER IN LIBRA when well-aspected gives a kind,  sympathetic and loving
disposition, a conscientious, sociable and benevolent nature and an interest
in all that makes for the uplift of humanity--music, art, literature, social
intercourse, et cetera.  On that account the person is popular, particularly
with the opposite sex from whence gain and benefit may be expected.  Success
in the business and public life are shown.   But if Jupiter is afflicted  in
Libra  undue  indulgence of the lower nature will bring trouble  and  public
scandal with a consequent loss of popularity and prestige.
   JUPITER IN SCORPIO gives an ardent,  aggressive and self-reliant  nature,
an enthusiastic,  constructive and resourceful mind with the ability to meet
all the exigencies of life in an efficient manner and it ensures success  in
practical everyday occupations,  gives a large family and plenty of means to
provide for them.  This position also shows a tendency towards occult inves-
tigations.   But if Jupiter is afflicted in Scorpio it will bring  loss  and
trouble through the indulgence of the lower nature in an inordinate measure,
love of rich an expensive good and sickness on that account.
[PAGE 290]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
   JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS when well-aspected gives good fortune and  general
success in life,  a humane, broad and philosophical mind, a reverent and re-
ligious  disposition.   Hence people with this position rise to the top  and
become  leaders  in  their  various  spheres  of  life,  finding  places  of
prominence in church or state,  scientific or philosophic enterprises or in-
stitutions.   If  Jupiter is afflicted in Sagittarius it  makes  the  person
sporty,  fond of cheap and gaudy display,  extravagant and ready to  take  a
chance on any gamble, causes loss of social standing if born in a better en-
vironment,  trouble through law, financial difficulties,  narrow-minded sec-
tarian views if incline to be religious.
   JUPITER  IN  CAPRICORN  gives  an  ambitious  nature,   self-reliant  and
self-controlled with a desire to rise to a position of authority over others
also the ability to dictate wisely and well.  It gives a careful, economical
disposition, and an abhorrence of waste; ingenuity, resourcefulness and some
mechanical ability.  These people are trust-worthy to a degree,  sincere and
honest in all their undertakings and hold every promise inviolate, therefore
they usually rise to honor, esteem and general popularity.   As already said
their aim is to attain  independence  at  the  head of some business, but if
[PAGE 291]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
they do not succeed in that and have to work for others they are best suited
to be in the employ of the government, either municipal or national.  On ac-
count  of the implicit trust generated by their sterling characteristics  of
honesty,  sincerity  and faithfulness these people are often  made  the  re-
cipients  of  confidence  from friends who feel the need  of  sharing  their
troubles with someone who can be depended upon either to give honest, disin-
terested advice or else to keep the secrets told then inviolate.  If Jupiter
is afflicted in Capricorn it makes a miser who will hoard all he can  scrape
together  and deny himself all except the barest necessities and  is  conse-
quently despised by all who know him.
   JUPITER  IN  AQUARIUS  when well-aspected  gives  a  humane,  optimistic,
original  and philosophic mind,  fond of friends and the society  of  others
particularly  those who are interested in science or  mysticism,  literature
and music, consequently he attracts people of that nature and they will be a
benefit  to him in helping him to realize his hopes,  wishes and  ambitions.
He  may possibly obtain a position of importance in some  official  capacity
with secret or occult societies.   This is a good indication of general suc-
cess in life, but if Jupiter is afflicted it makes the nature restless, ner-
vous and erratic with revolutionary or anarchistic ideas with disinclination
[PAGE 292]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
for serious work and such people are generally disliked and distrusted.
   JUPITER IN PISCES gives a charitable,  sympathetic and hospitable  nature
which  loves  to  minister to the outcasts of  society.   These  people  are
veritable angels of mercy to all who suffer in body,  soul or spirit.   They
are well known to those who are "sick of in prison."   Being of a  sensitive
nature  and subject to the influences from the invisible world they not  in-
frequently have psychic experiences and become students of the occult.  They
love music, art and literature and if well-aspected by Venus, Jupiter in Pi-
sces  will give considerable ability as a performer;  but if Jupiter is  af-
flicted in Pisces it gives a vacillating mind, a nerveless,  cowardly nature
indulging  in  all  vices  in  the  calendar  and  a  generally   despicable
dispositon--a social parasite.
                           THE ASPECTS OF JUPITER
a tendency to apoplexy, especially if it occurs in Aries,  but with that ex-
ception we may say that these configurations are sure indications of health,
wealth and happiness; they give the person an abundance of vitality which is
proof  even  against  very  severe  onslaughts  of  disease,  and  should  a
[PAGE 293]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
particularly  unfavorable planetary influence succeed in breaking  down  the
constitutional  resistance recovery will be so rapid as to seem  miraculous.
This nearly impregnable condition of health is all the more unassailable be-
cause it is backed by a disposition at once "sunny"  and "jovial"  and  that
latter  characteristic also makes the fortunate possessors of these  aspects
beloved by all with whom they come in contact;  everybody is glad to see the
person  with the perpetual smile,  but they do more than "smile"--they  EARN
the friendship universally bestowed upon them by deeds of kindness, by words
of sympathy,  cheer or hope as the occasion may demand.  They are trusted by
everybody  for they never betray a trust;  they have good clear heads,  good
judgment and executive ability so that they are well fitted to help  others.
These  characteristics also favor their own financial fortunes so that  they
accumulate wealth,  but theirs is never "tainted money,"  they never benefit
by the loss of others.   They are conservatively religious and may be  aptly
described as "pillars of society."  They shine particularly in  governmental
   THE  SUN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER gives a tendency to  indulge  in
habits which are bad for the health; the person is far too fond of the "good
things in life" and very selfish in supplying his own comforts; he exercises
little  and  never  denies  himself,  with  the  result that the circulation
[PAGE 294]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
becomes  sluggish and as these people have a superabundance of  blood  their
lassitude  and indulgence is productive of various noxious growths and  kin-
dred disorders; sometimes a fit of anger raises the blood pressure to such a
point that a vessel burst and ends the life or leaves the person thenceforth
a useless wreck.   These aspects give a bombastic,  haughty disposition with
an inordinate love of display and thus induce to extravagance both in social
and business affairs with the result that the person sometimes finds himself
involved  in  debt which he cannot pay and then there is but a step  to  the
bankruptcy  court.   A false pride often prevents these people from  working
honestly  for others so they would rather prey upon the public  as  gamblers
where there is an opportunity to swindle other people and get what they call
an "easy"  living until then land in the meshes of the law.   Children  with
these aspects should be given special training in self-restraint, thrift and
honesty, above all, religion, for they have a tendency to scorn and scoff at
religion,  but  perhaps a memory of a devout mother may help  to  keep  them
best  signs  of  success  and  general  good fortune in life.  It favors the
[PAGE 295]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of all the luxuries of life.  It is
a  good indication of a successful and happy marriage,  social prestige  and
the  respect of all with whom the person comes in contact.   It  endows  him
with a jovial, optimistic, generous and large-hearted disposition, makes him
honorable to a degree, interested and active in philanthropic measures, lib-
eral  in  mind,  tolerant  of the views of  others  even  where  he  differs
radically,  fond of pleasure,  traveling, parties,  and capable of  enjoying
life to the fullest extend; he loves expensive and ultra-comfortable things,
a fine house, valuable books, pictures and other rich appointments.
   VENUS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER gives the same luxurious likings as
the  good  aspects  but limits the ability to satisfy  them;  although  such
people  make the most frantic efforts to present a fine front to  the  world
they are generally found out to he shams.  Their lack of business ability so
often  responsible  for failure and bankruptcy and they are very  liable  to
suffer  losses  through treachery of others.   Love and  marriage  also  are
sources of sorrow for those whom Venus and Jupiter are afflicting.  They are
apt  to be jilted before marriage or the marriage partner will prove  faith-
less  and  may  desert  them.  These  aspects also produce an amorous nature
[PAGE 296]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
likely to take liberties regardless of the laws of decency and make the per-
son faithless to marriage vows.
finest assets in life for it gives a cheerful,  optimistic disposition  with
the  ability to always look upon the bright side of things and keep  up  the
spirits in the hours of adversity; the mind is broad,  versatile and able to
reason  correctly and to form a reliable judgment be  careful  deliberation;
these people never decide hastily;  they require time to think over what  is
presented to them, but once they have reached a conclusion, it will be found
incontrovertible.   They  are successful in law or literature and  much  re-
spected  for their honesty and sincerity.   These aspects  are  particularly
fortunate for people who travel for business or pleasure, for they will reap
both benefit and enjoyment from a migratory mode of life.  It will make them
"healthy,  wealthy and wise"  beyond the average, loved by everybody for the
vital vibration they radiate upon whomever they meet.
   MERCURY SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER gives a vacillating and  wavering
disposition  so that the person cannot make up his mind when more  than  one
course of action is open,  hence people with these aspects often lose  their
opportunities  through  procrastination  and  lack  of  judgment;  they must
[PAGE 297]                                    JUPITER, PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
therefore  often  be classed as failures.  They are liable  to  scandal  and
slander because of treacherous associates,  and should not ravel for it will
bring them loss and trouble; they should also be extremely careful in making
contracts or agreements to do or deliver certain things at a specified  time
for  they  will  probably be unable to fulfill  the  requirements  and  thus
trouble and loss will result.
timistic,  noble and generous disposition.  The open-hearted honesty,  fair-
ness  and  friendliness of people with these aspects make  them  universally
popular.   These aspects strengthen both the reasoning faculties and consti-
tution,  so that such people usually have a strong mind in a strong body and
hence a powerful personal magnetism which may be used to great advantage  in
healing  the sick.   They have lofty ideals and a fruitful imagination  with
the  power  of acquiring wealth which will grow greater if used  in  philan-
thropic enterprises of which these people are prone to dream.   This is  one
of the best aspects in the gamut and makes for general success in life  both
physically and spiritually.
   THE MOON SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER impairs the reasoning  faculties
and brings the person trouble through litigation,  lack  of fore-thought and
[PAGE 298]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
indecision or dishonesty.   People with these aspects are too fond of osten-
tation aid display, extravagant beyond their means, lavish in their expendi-
tures,  prone to take desperate chances in gambling or speculation to  reha-
bilitate their fortunes and doomed to loss, slander and sometimes bankruptcy
on that account.   These aspects are also bad for health in a woman's  horo-
scope especially; they indicate digestive and liver troubles.
   SATURN  SEXTILE OR TRINE TO JUPITER gives a strong character with a  deep
and  profoundly philosophical mind,  a benevolent disposition with a  strong
sense of justice and fair play.   All the virtues of Saturn and Jupiter  are
combined by these aspects and people in whose horoscope they are found  will
consequently  gain  the honor and esteem of the community  where  they  are.
Thus they will be looked upon as pillars of society and gain prosperity com-
mensurate with the environment in which they are placed,  for these  aspects
give sound financial judgment and the ability to grasp the opportunity  when
it is met.
   SATURN CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO JUPITER has the same beneficent  influ-
ence as the sextile or trine through not in as great a measure and if  Jupi-
ter  is weak by sign of otherwise afflicted the aspects will probably  count
for very little, bit in that case its effect upon the  arterial  circulation
[PAGE 299]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
will be obstructive, giving a tendency to sclerosis of the arteries the same
as the opposition or square.
   SATURN  SQUARE  OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER gives a  different,  vacillating
mind unable to form decisions,  always distrustful of others,  indolent  and
inclined  to  drift with the tide;  often a ward of society  either  in  the
poor-house or the prison,  for the character is basically dishonest.   These
aspects also give a tendency to arterio-sclerosis.
   MARS  SEXTILE  OR TRINE TO JUPITER.   It is the nature of Jupiter  to  be
somewhat conservative and dignified,  but when blended with the fire of Mars
it  gives  enthusiasm and an ability to influence of others and  imbue  them
with  the same feelings.   It makes the nature noble,  sincere,  honest  and
straightforwarded.  This aspect is also good for the financial prosperity of
the person,  for both Mars and Jupiter when well-aspected give good  earning
ability and favor accumulation.  Jupiter is somewhat conservative in respect
to expenditures, Mars is too free, but where the Martian and Jupiterian ten-
dencies  are blended by a good aspect the result is an ideal,  generous  na-
ture,  neither too lavish not too conservative,  able to strike a happy  me-
dium.   These  people  have  much ingenuity  and  constructive  ability  and
whatever they do they put their whole heart in it.   Hence they are success-
ful in business, popular in society, fond of out-of-door sports and games.
[PAGE 300]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
They  love  to travel and gain much pleasure by so doing.   Mars  rules  the
haemoglobin in the blood which is so important a factor in health and vital-
ity,  therefore the good aspects of Jupiter and Mars increase the red  blood
corpuscles with the result that people with these aspects have an  abundance
of health, vitality, power and endurance.
   MARS PARALLEL OR CONJUNCTION JUPITER strengthens the constitution and in-
creases the vitality the same as the good aspects.   It also indicates  that
the person is able to earn much money and uses it freely and generously, but
the  mental  qualities are similar to those conferred by  the  bad  aspects:
sporty, swaggering, tricky, deceitful and untruthful, impulsive in judgment,
but to be depended upon,  and if the conjunction occurs in one of the watery
signs, especially in Pisces, the person will probably be a drunkard, through
this is not as certain as with the square or opposition.
   MARS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER is the signature of the gambler  and
if one of the planets is in a watery sign, especially in Pisces,  he will be
a drunkard also,  a tricky,  dishonest and disreputable character who always
acts through impulse.  With respect to health we find that these people suf-
fer  principally  from  blood  and liver complaints, the circulation is poor
[PAGE 301]                                 JUPITER THE PLANET OF BENEVOLENCE
and the blood is so rich that there is danger of apoplexy.
   URANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO JUPITER gives a broad,  humane disposition and
a tendency to delve into the occult arts and sciences.   It favors an  asso-
ciation with secret orders and gives promise of prosperity in life.   Such a
person is honest and sincere,  sociable, hospitable and likely to benefit  a
great deal from influential friends in official positions.   This  positions
also gives executive ability and success in connection with institutions  of
   URANUS  PARALLEL OR CONJUNCTION JUPITER gives similar indications to  the
good aspects but the influence is not quite so decided,  particularly if ei-
ther of the planets is weak by sign or otherwise afflicted.  In that case it
will  be found that the tendencies conferred are more like those of the  bad
   URANUS  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER gives am impulsive nature  liable
to  act  in  a sudden or unexpected manner to one's  own  undoing;  loss  by
speculation,  lawsuits and impulsive extravagance are also  indicated,  many
changes both of occupations and residence, loss of friends and reputation.
[PAGE 302]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
   NEPTUNE SEXTILE OR TRINE TO JUPITER gives an inspirational,  mystical na-
ture and success in an occupation connect with occult orders, that is to say
where the character is sufficiently developed is that Neptune can makes  his
influence felt,  for then this position brings out all the noblest and  most
spiritual  strength of both planets,  and occult experiences are not  infre-
quently the result.   During the sleeping hours these people are quite  con-
scious in the invisible worlds.
   NEPTUNE  PARALLEL  OR CONJUNCTION JUPITER gives an influence  similar  to
that of the good aspects when Neptune and Jupiter are not afflicted,  but if
they are in a weak sign and aspecting the other planets by square or opposi-
tion then the influence is similar to that one of the bad aspects of Jupiter
and Neptune.
   NEPTUNE SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO JUPITER indicates lack of control of  the
emotions.  The person is sensitive to the low psychic influences of the bor-
derland  between  the  seen  and  the unseen  worlds  but  they  are  of  an
awe-inspiring and disgusting type, hence apt to cause hysterical conditions,
such  as  involuntary trance and kindred disorders attendant  upon  negative
psychism.   From  a  material standpoint it gives danger  of  fraud  through
speculation  or large companies and dealing with predatory interests  should
therefore be avoided.